Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bedtime Prayer

So despite what most seasoned mothers have advised me, I have rocked my baby to sleep every night. When he was a newborn, this consisted of a some-what crazy looking bobbing move that doubled as a serious leg work out. As he got older, the dancing-bob manuever transitioned to a standing-bounce, then finally to a seated-sway in the oh-so-comfy glider! Thinking back on those early nights make me laugh (and cry), but I'm so glad that I've maintained this quiet time with him.

I stay home with Walter on most days and I've observed the standard "stay-at-home-mom" to be either full of exhaustion or complaints. I was well aware of this stigma while I was pregnant with him, knowing that I would be home with him I always aimed to view it as the privilege that it is. Don't get me wrong, I believe it to be the hardest job I've ever taken on, and it is trying and tiring. By the end of the day, bath time has arrived, and I find myself so looking forward to my quiet time, better known as W's bed time. After bath, he sprints to his room, I slowly follow him and am always welcomed by a naked smiling baby sitting on his rug, waiting for his PJ's and milk. This is the one activity of my day that I would choose to rush; he doesn't need 10 books and he surely doesn't need to be rocked and hummed 10 songs. I caught myself early on rushing through this routine... robbing both myself and Walter of this time. I felt convicted about this specific time during my day so I decided to press into it. 

After we finish our books, I turn of the light, he hooks bunny with his right arm, and he curls into a little ball on my chest. Walter starts humming & that's my cue... I hum my favorite hymns and a Spanish lullaby my mom use to sing to me. I pray and I listen. Some nights are short, simply thanking God for his little life, asking for patience and wisdom as his mother, and hoping for his future. Other nights I sit with him for what seems all night. I ask for BIG blessings in his life, because God gives us what we ask and believe for. I pray for Matt and I to never lose sight of the miracle that he is. That we speak to him in all circumstances with respect and understanding. That we show him how to love unconditionally through our marriage to each other. That we walk with faith so that he will come to know God through our actions. And that we follow the dreams that God has placed in our own hearts so he can do the same. More importantly, I take this time to listen. 

Through the hustle and bustle of my day, it can be hard for me to be still and hear from God. I've found that taking this time aside gives me moments that I hear the plans that God has for Walter's life and mine as his mother- plans that I would never hear if I rushed through that last lullaby. Here, he teaches me that giving when I am most tired, I will be the most refreshed. These prayers are the biggest investments I can sew into my son. 

Take this time, each day for you your babies; I hope it refreshes and blesses you!

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