Sunday, September 28, 2014


 Hi! I'm Monica Turley, an aspiring artist, wife to Matt, and new momma to our son Walter. We live at the corner of the Chesapeake Bay where it meets the Atlantic Ocean, also known as Cape Henry. I am so blessed to have the privilege of raising my family in the same part of town that I grew up. It brings me so much comfort to be watch Walter crawl up the same path to the beach that I did as a child.

My hope for this blog is to provide me with an outlet for my creativity, a home for the gratitude I feel for all of my inspirations, and most importantly, a place to share our special moments as a family.

I am excited to begin this blogging adventure because I have recently discovered the art that is created when a story can be told through a photograph. Motherhood has been a surreal journey full of grace and it has taught me to truly appreciate the beauty in all experiences. As a result, I want to take each new milestone, thought, discovery, and daily experience captive. Walter has already taught me more than I could hope to teach him in a lifetime.

Welcome to our Castle by the Cape!

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