Tuesday, December 1, 2015

DIY Advent Calander

Although I am not a fan of this cold and dreary weather, December is one of my favorite months of the year! The Advent countdown to Christmas, the day of our Saviors birth, has always made each day of December exciting and full of surprises! 

Last year, Matt and I made this pallet Christmas tree calendar. DIY instructions & last years post, click here! We hang it in his room on the eve of December 1st. Opening the "new day" is the first thing he wants to do each morning!  Last year, we decided not to fill the days with gifts or candy- wanting to focus more on doing daily family activities. So, we created a list of 25 activities and added a scripture reading for each day as well. It is important for us to make sure we teach our kiddos to focus on why we personally celebrate Christmas! 

Last year I also decided to develop a "theme" or lesson for our scripture readings to focus on, creating a new theme each year. This year I have framed the 25 scriptures around strength

Here is a list of our scriptures and fun activities:

Day 1: Go to the tree lot to pick out our Christmas Tree!
Philippians 4:13

Day 2: Decorate our Christmas Tree.
Isaiah 40:29

Day 3: Make Christmas paper chains to decorate the house.
Ephesians 6:10

Day 4: Pick out an Angel Tree Child and buy him/her a gift.
Isaiah 40:31

Day 5: Make cinnamon salt dough ornaments.
Mark 12:30

Day 6: Watch the Christmas movie, Elf.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Day 7: Make homemade hot chocolate and marshmallows.
Psalm 46:1

Day 8: Bring our story time class and librarians sugar cookies.
Nehemiah 8:10

Day 9:Donate cat/dog food to our local pet shelter.
Psalm 22:19

Day 10: Make & deliver Christmas cards to our friends.
Psalm 28: 7-10

Day 11: Pick-up milkshakes and drive through the Botanical Garden Lights.
Psalm 118:14

Day 12: Visit Santa!
Isaiah 12:2

Day 13: Decorate a gingerbread house.
Isaiah 33:2

Day 14: Make hanging paper snowflakes.
Isaiah 40:29-30

Day 15: Watch the Christmas movie, The Grinch. 
Habakkuk 3:19

Day 16: Clean out our closets for Salvation Army Donation.
Ephesians 3:16

Day 17: Go Christmas shopping for our family.
Isaiah 41:10

Day 18: Make handprint reindeer and magic reindeer food.
Exodus 15:2

Day 19: Leave cookies in the mailbox for the mailman.
1 Chronicles 16:11

Day 20: Bring Daddy and his office a special Christmas treat for lunch.
Psalm 18:32-34

Day 21: Deliver cookies to our neighbors.
1 Corinthians 10:13

Day 22: Make paper crowns and talk about how the wiseman brought gifts to Jesus.
Psalm 119:23

Day 23: Make shoebox manger display.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Day 24: Make chocolate waffles to leave under the tree for Santa.
Psalm 27:1

Day 25: Jesus is born! 
John 16:33

I hope this list helps you and your family celebrate each day of this Christmas season together! Merry Christmas from my family to yours!


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