Monday, October 6, 2014

Almost.. One Year.

This time, exactly one year ago, I was washing, folding, and re-folding tiny newborn sleepers. I remember packing my hospital bag (with the entire house) and making sure that we had all the "necessities" for our new baby. And Matt was constantly sent out for midnight fro-yo or early morning cinnamon bagels. I spent countless hours sitting in the glider in Walter's nursery praying for God to prepare us to be the parents that Walter needs. And I listened. During those nine (more like ten) months, I heard more from God than I had in my entire lifetime. 


Before becoming your momma, God told me what a pure and gentle heart you would have. He told me all about your strong spirit and how your kindness and compassion will change peoples lives. I learned how much you would love music and how gifted you'll become. I learned about your determination and how you will always refuse to give up with out finishing what you started. He told me how much you would love the ocean, so I promised to raise you by it. I spent time listening and learning every day, and he carefully prepared my heart for yours. Because of this constant conversation, when I met you, it was as if I had known you my whole life. 

I hope you know that this constant conversation will never stop. With each new phase of your life we  will also change and stretch ourselves to become what you need in that moment. The week you were born your Dad and I prayed to never lose sight of the miracle that you are. That we speak to you in all circumstances with respect and understanding. That we show you how to love unconditionally through our marriage to each other. That we walk with faith so that you come to know God through our actions. And that we follow the dreams that God has placed in our own hearts so you can do the same.

You have taught me that nothing in this world is perfect except for the unconditional love that was given to us from above. The love that I have for you will always be unconditionally perfect and it will always be enough.

Watching your daily passion to explore and your amazement with life inspires me deeply. You make me dream bigger, live larger, and love harder. You make me brave. 

Because of you I am pursuing my dreams in ways I never thought I could. I pray with out fear of the future, I believe with out limitations, I stand taller, and my trust in God is more firm than I knew possible.

Watching you grow this past (almost) year has been the biggest gift and I still cannot believe we get to raise you. Our prayer is and always will be for selfless love and God given guidance as parents, to help you fulfill every dream in your heart.

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